
Monday, November 30, 2009


It's really sickening to see this

Why can't we as Malaysians, sit down, talk and negotiate on our

And do you still remember this sickening incident ?

DAMMIT! Are we losing our sense of directions and tolerance, huh?


Street protesters must always know their 'stuff' before protesting,
not just protesting for the sake of 'protest'. Take this group of
hard line Muslim protesters for instance, urging the Indonesian
government to prevent the spread of HIV.
In Jakarta, more than 200 female demonstrators
urged the government to close down brothels and
ban condoms, which they said encouraged “free
sex and unhealthy behavior.”

Okay, closing down brothels may to a small extent prevent the
spread of HIV but banning CONDOMS?
Men using condoms doesn't necessarily mean they are visiting
prostitutes, condoms are prevention of unwanted pregnancy and
prevention of getting HIV or other related diseases.
Banning condoms would definitely increase rather than decrease
the HIV cases.
Yes increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS is a better option than
banning condoms.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


First, a former Menteri Besar RM 24 million Mansion is STILL
UNDER PROBE by MACC and now we have another MB's case

Negeri MB'S RM10 million transfer still under probe

1. When will be 'STILL UNDER PROBE' cases become 'PROBE
2. When can we as Malaysians see MACC bringing corrupt guys
(big fish not 'ikan bilis' )to court to face charges, ah?
3. How / where did these guys get their 'millions' from as they
are/were ONLY as MB?

Wah if becoming as a MB can get you 'millions', I for one also
wish to apply the post, can ah, PM Najib?

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Well how true is this story ?
DAMMIT! As a Malaysian I really like to know, if BTN is not
racist then what?

Friday, November 27, 2009





this time sure can one....

What la, those useless and incompetence council officers even
can't carry a simple task, like charging a businessman for trading
without a licence. Why are they still allowed to warm the butts in
the office? They should be sacked or transferred out for stupidity
or for not following instructions given by the state prosecution unit
head. What if the court throw out their summons again?
Then it would be a real padan muka!
And reminds me of a former state imam who was charged
in a syariah court but no one from the prosecution team turned up
for the court case! Why? Becos they the prosecution guys didn't
know what or how to charge him!
And yet our PM Najib had the gall to tell the whole world that
Malaysia could help to make ' a better world'.
PM Najib should check on the country judiciary system
and make the house in order first before offering to help the world!

Thursday, November 26, 2009



Do enjoy.


Regarding the disappearing of today's Malay Mail here's the

Malay Mail re-launch!


I couldn't get hold of the afternoon paper awhile ago and my news
vendor asking me to come at 3pm for my Malay Mail, now what's
happening here, Rocky?

Earlier in the week, I was forewarned here by my news agent, but I
brushed it off here.


Namewee and TNB story continues from Malaysian
Mariam Mokhtar
Thursday, 26 November 2009 04:51

OPINION Who could forget Namewee? Aka Wee Meng Chee, of Negarakuku fame. The rapper from Muar has condensed in his short music video, a tirade directed at TNB. It is his reaction to the numerous breakdowns and shutdowns experienced in his hometown – and he has put the videoclip on Youtube where it has been viewed several thousand times and elicited an equal number of responses.

He has shown the world, in his two minute experience at the TNB office, how NOT to complain and thus get the backs up, of the people whom you wish to help you.

Of equal importance, he has shown the corporate world, especially one that provides a service to the general public, how NOT to treat your customers and give them the run-around. To a lesser extent, it also reveals to the higher echelons of management, how your staff behave when not in your presence.

Expressing frustration in creativity and music

People forget that Namewee is a rapper and produces videos and music videos. The content of rap music may glorify violence, misogyny, drug abuse, homophobia, amongst other things. Thus, Namewee may seem to foster the use of profanity and vulgar language. Like it or not, rap or hip hop, is the language of the young these days.

When Namewee’s creative juices were stopped mid-flow by the blackout, he attempted to contact TNB, but after several unsuccessful tries, thought he might as well pay a visit to the office. He found the whole town in darkness but the TNB offices bathed in glorious light. One can only imagine his increased rage.

It is the same feeling that overcomes us when we are lectured by our political masters to save money and thus switch off all unnecessary lights, but find when driving in town at night, that the government offices are the ones with the office lights on (overtime, perhaps?), with the exterior of the building bedecked like a Christmas tree.

Admittedly, Namewee is simply expressing his anger and frustration in creativity and music. There is nothing unusual about this. Many artistes do the same in their songs and music videos. Think Madonna or Enimen.

namewee-tnb.pngSometimes, to shock may even sell more records. There is also a commercial element as well as an entertainment value. He has gained increased publicity for himself. He is enterprising, too.

Namewee was seen gesticulating and uttering sweet FA to the staff of TNB as he made his exit from the office. The manner in which the staff gave him the run around, and accused him of “kacau” might have elicited the same response from me, or worse.

Why so difficult to apologise

Regretfully, there was not one whisper of an apology from TNB. Nor a hint of regret. Nor was there a reassurance that the breakdown was being dealt with. Nor a plea for the unhappy customer to bear with them, while the problem was being dealt with urgently.

Sometimes, corporations forget that just mentioning the word ‘apology’ might make the sufferer so pleased his complaint is being dealt with, that his initial problem is almost forgotten.

Maybe frontline TNB staff could be given a crash course in public relations? Treat the customer like royalty and he will forget his woes. Could this be why royalty and those high up in the pecking order of our society have few things to complain about?

Maybe this is why the service providers are rewarded with ‘pingats’. What a pity these service providers forget that a job should be done without fear or favour.

If Namewee cared to do a similar expose on other institutions, he would have a field day. There is Telekom Malaysia, the water board, some government departments, the police, private companies, et cetera. I should imagine that each of us has one reason or another to gripe about poor service. But do we have the guts to complain? Probably not. Not many want our forms binned or put at the bottom of the pile. And few of us have the necessary political clout or bottomless purse to expect preferential treatment.

Namewee was wrong to be abusive – even I would balk short at such behaviour. But there is little point showing an irate customer the planned schedule of shutdowns. What he wants to know is when his problem is going to be resolved. Namewee speaks for all those who suffered that night. His methods of expressing and registering his complaint may be wrong. Sadly, neither compassion nor empathy was shown by the TNB staff that night.

Those who viewed the Youtube clip may have found it shocking (by his use of coloured language and to a lesser extent, the apparent unconcern of TNB).

But what is even more disturbing were the comments left by the viewers. That is the eye-opener.

The reaction to what many normal people would have seen as a disgruntled customer’s tirade against a service provider has been blown into something of a racial firestorm. That is the more potent danger.

Rais should get off his high horse

It seems that when you scratch beneath the surface, 1Malaysia is unraveling faster than my knitted jumper. One person condemns a quasi government organization, and the so called defenders of the different faiths, react like beasts unleashed, and all for the wrong reasons.

rais-yatim.jpgThe Minister for Information, Communications, Cul­ture and Arts, Dr Rais Yatim said that the government would examine the music video, which poked fun at TNB.

He confirmed that investigations were going to be conducted on the lyrics, content and composition of the song before any action was taken against Namewee. He mentioned the possible use of the Penal Code and the Communications and Multimedia Act, in the name of protecting “….acts that insult which could lead to disharmony.”

This is a waste of taxpayers’ money. It is better to find out why there are so many breakdowns and whilst he is at it, he could also investigate the other claims why other states like Sabah, have more frequent breakdowns, than most.

When I first viewed Namewee’s videoclip a fortnight ago, I wondered how long it would take the authorities to haul him up.

I also wondered if they would acknowledge the content of his complaint or would prosecute him for the content of his video.

True to expectation, the minister has confirmed my suspicions. What is of lesser importance is the breakdown. But I am surprised a minister in charge of the portfolio of communications took this long to be aware of this video.

I would suggest that he gets off his high horse and find ways and means to make 1Malaysia truly at one with each other, examine ways to gel Malaysians together, and with his cabinet counterpart, try and improve facilities and infrastructure in the country.

He should be glad that not there are not more of us who are like Namewee when making a stand. This young man may have been more foolish, than courageous, possibly even mildly entertaining when making his complaint, but if we were all to react to poor service like he has, would we all be prosecuted? More holding cells would then have to be built.

Sometimes it is best to remember that age-old adage, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me.’

And it certainly does not help by shooting the messenger.

Mariam Mokhtar resides and writes from Ipoh.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Why PM Najib talking about Malaysia helping to make a' better world'
when he should be making Malaysia a' better Malaysia' for ALL
PM Najib singing 'WE ARE THE WORLD'

Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Malaysia, with its
of multiculturalism and tolerance, can
an effective part in promoting deeper understanding
between the Muslim world and the West and other
divides as well.

Even after 50 years of independence, the understanding and the
level of tolerance between Muslims and non Muslims in Malaysia
are still unbelievable low like in 1st gear, where some Malaysians
feeling uneasy' seeing Hindu temples in their neighbourhood or
can't stand the sale of beer in convenience stores.

“The world may have its problems but things can be
resolved with greater understanding of one another.

Why talk about the world's problems when MCA is having
problems that seemed 'unresolvable'?

“Malaysia stands ready to play its role to make it a
better world,”

But is Malaysian government ready to make Malaysia a 'better


Oh I see, the Information, Communications, Cul­ture and Arts
Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim would investigate the lyrics
on the video clip by Namewee poking fun on TNB blackout service
( see video below ).
Then, why isn't the Energy Minister whoever he is investigate
the frequent 'blackout' experienced by consumers as claimed, ah?
Only then is fair to Namewee, the government must also examine
the energy provider too and punish the head department
accordingly for the lousy service!
I remembered Tun Dr.Mahathir dismissed the TNB chief many,
many years ago when the country experienced a total blackout,
so in this instance, the Muar TNB chief should be sacked if he's not
up to expectations.
Anyway, if Namewee had done anything wrong, then TNB
could take actions against him, and Rais shouldn't be poking
his nose here. Rais said
"We cannot allow acts that insult which could lead to

DAMMIT! What disharmony? Insult? Don't you think TNB
deserves the flak from an angry consumer?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


F@###%K SHIT!

Monday, November 23, 2009


In today's Malay Mail...
Guards ignore burglary in progress
They do nothing when a woman shouts for help

When contacted, Sri Lara Security Services Sdn Bhd

operations manager Anthony Philips, who was there
the incident occurred, said: “We saw a woman
crying on the street but we couldn't’t help as we are not
supposed to leave our post.”
What a lame, the security team had 3 guards at that point in time,
why couldn't they allow 1 or 2 guys to run across and help the
poor woman?
“However, if the area needs our security services so
that we could take care of that housing area, we’d be
glad to be of service.”

So that's why la, the security guys are not paid to help/ protect
other areas, DAMMIT! In other words, these guys won't
help/ take care of you unless they are paid not even in any
Are Malaysians losing their civic-mindedness?


According to the history of McDonald's, they started selling
hamburgers in California in the 1950's but over here in
Malaysia one enterprising business claimed that it has been selling
burgers a long, long time ago even before McDonald's!!
Take a look, the business identity has been intentionally erased
which was placed on top of the poster!
(click pix to enlarge )
OMG! Apparently this stall has been selling burgers since 1888!
They have been selling for the past 121 years and still counting.
Hahaaa! Can you beat that?
I think this poster qualified to be listed in FAIL! blog category.


Malaysia is a multi racial country. We have multi cultures, multi
lingual, multi traditions and in fact multi in everything la.
Anyhow, I was quite amused to stumble upon a ' multi wedding'
happening in a shopping complex in downtown Kuala Lumpur
over the weekend.
( click pix to enlarge )
Well, I though the Lun Bawang wedding from Sarawak looked
very unique and interesting with dancers accompanying during
the wedding ceremony.
Sarawak 's neighbour Sabah, Kandazan wedding couples were equally
dashing too, albeit less fanfare and glamour !

The 'Orang Asli' wedding where only the basics found in their
habitat were used for wedding decorations like leaves and logs!

Interestingly, the one thing I like about Punjabi wedding is the
'Bangra ' dance which unfortunately couldn't get any snapshots
on my phone-camera. Sorry la.

Then one shouldn't miss the Hindu wedding ceremony with so
colourful costumes on the bride and bridegroom.

The Trengganu Malay wedding I should say was the most grandeur
and the dais presentation was sooo majestically beautiful.

Ooops , I again missed out another wedding ceremony, the
Chinese wedding, sorry again lor!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Replay 'fairest solution' says Henry



Friday, November 20, 2009


I ought to rubbish the news that Malay Mail was about
to cease operation by next Wednesday (see post below ),
as in today Malay Mail I saw this in its front page
bottom right-hand corner.

You see the MM currently on staff recruitment drive
so logically, they can't be closing for good.
I'm not sure how or where my news vendor got this
rumour but certainly it was a nonsense claim, anyway
to satisfy my own curiosity I turned to the 'classified
pages' of MM

and true enough , yes they're hiring people!
So MM is still alive! Unless my news vendor's words
were 'gospel truth' and not rumouring!


I've been trying to find out whether it's real or just a rumour
okay take this: My news vendor early this morning told me that

MALAY MAIL your afternoon paper, a voice for 113 years will
be closing shop soon, very soon in fact.
That vendor guy said next Wednesday will be THE LAST CALL
for MM.
How truth is this? Surfing the Internet all over shows nothing.


In the World Cup qualifier between France and Ireland in Paris
France going to South Africa Finals thru the help of Thierry Henry's

Rightly too, the Irish are demanding for a replay while waiting
for a favourable reply from FIFA and as a sports fan, I believe in
'fair play'.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Now that Karpal had accepted the challenge from Nazri to prosecute
Lingam brokering on the appointment of judges.
It should be a damn interesting and intriguing show in court if
Karpal Singh would slug it out with V K Lingam.
If Karpal is able prove what Lingam had done , not only morally
wrong but also legally wrong then 'heads should roll' in the
Attorney-General office beginning with Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail
himself as no officers are found capable to charge Lingam.
The question now is 'Will Gani Patai dare to issue a written
consent to Karpal authorising Karpal to prosecute
Lingam on behalf of the state?
Right now,I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Karpal taking
on Lngam case would be on!!


UMNO representing the Chinese?

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin says it all:
“If I were a Chinese, I would also not
support the MCA.

DAMMIT! MCA, you're a TOTAL disgrace to the Chinese

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Home Ministry secretary-general Datuk Mahmood Adam sounds
so much like a 'top efficient government servant' by saying that
THE Home Ministry isn’t going to let returned convicts
about freely as they please — they will be placed
under routine monitoring upon returning home.
And some more he assured that the police force
has its own database of criminal offenders used for
tracing and monitoring purposes.

Wah, looks like Malaysia got sophisticated tracking and motoring
devices in our Malaysia Police department where they can trace
any Ahmad, Mutu or Ah Chong wherever they are!! Very good.
Then may I ask where is convicted child-killer Agnes Wong now
whom believed was expelled to Malaysia by British authorities
earlier this month? And most probably,right now Agnes Wong
may be roaming freely in our neighbourhood or doing babysitting!!
If the Malaysian police are really good and 'efficient' in locating
people on the run then why the hell they(Malaysian police)
still are clueless on the whereabouts of RPK and PI Bala, ah?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private
It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or
happiness depends
on the integrity of people in a
position of authority.

Transparency International's 2009 corruption
index: the full ranking of 180 countries

Rank Country Score ( On the scale from 0-10: 0=very corrupt,

10= least corrupt)

MALAYSIA on No.56 with 4.5 points.

1 New Zealand 9.4

2 Denmark 9.3

3= Singapore 9.2

3= Sweden 9.2

5 Switzerland 9.0

6=Finland 8.9

6= Netherlands 8.9

8=Australia 8.7

8= Canada 8.7

8= Iceland 8.7

11 Norway 8.6

12= Hong Kong 8.2

12= Luxembourg 8.2

14 Germany 8.0

14 Ireland 8.0

16 Austria 7.9

17= Japan 7.7

17= United Kingdom 7.7

19 United States 7.5

20 Barbados 7.4

21 Belgium 7.1

22= Qatar 7.0

22= Saint Lucia 7.0

24 France 6.9

25= Chile 6.7

25= Uruguay 6.7

27= Cyprus 6.6

27= Estonia 6.6

27= Slovenia 6.6

30 United Arab Emirates 6.5

31 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6.4

32= Israel 6.1

32= Spain 6.1

34 Dominica 5.9

35= Portugal 5.8

35= Puerto Rico 5.8

37= Botswana 5.6

37= Taiwan 5.6

39= Brunei Darussalam 5.5

39= Oman 5.5

39= South Korea 5.5

42 Mauritius 5.4

43= Costa Rica 5.3

43= Macau 5.3

45 Malta 5.2

46= Bahrain 5.1

46= Cape Verde 5.1

46= Hungary 5.1

49= Bhutan 5.0

49= Jordan 5.0

49= Poland 5.0

52= Czech Republic 4.9

52= Lithuania 4.9

54 Seychelles 4.8

55 South Africa 4.7

56= Latvia 4.5

56= Malaysia 4.5

56= Namibia 4.5

56= Samoa 4.5

56= Slovakia 4.5

61= Cuba 4.4

61= Turkey 4.4

63= Italy 4.3

63= Saudi Arabia 4.3

65 Tunisia 4.2

66= Croatia 4.1

66= Georgia 4.1

66= Kuwait 4.1

69= Ghana 3.9

69= Montenegro 3.9

71= Bulgaria 3.8

71= FYR Macedonia 3.8

71= Greece 3.8

71= Romania 3.8

75= Brazil 3.7

75= Colombia 3.7

75= Peru 3.7

75= Suriname 3.7

79= Burkina Faso 3.6

79= China 3.6

79= Swaziland 3.6

79= Trinidad and Tobago 3.6

83 Serbia 3.5

84= El Salvador 3.4

84= Guatemala 3.4

84= India 3.4

84= Panama 3.4

84= Thailand 3.4

89= Lesotho 3.3

89= Malawi 3.3

89=Mexico 3.3

89= Moldova 3.3

89= Morocco 3.3

89 Rwanda 3.3

95= Albania 3.2

95= Vanuatu 3.2

97= Liberia 3.1

97= Sri Lanka 3.1

99= Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.0

99= Dominican Republic 3.0

99= Jamaica 3.0

99= Madagascar 3.0

99= Senegal 3.0

99=Tonga 3.0

99= Zambia 3.0

106= Argentina 2.9

106= Benin 2.9

106= Gabon 2.9

106=Gambia 2.9

106=Niger 2.9

111= Algeria 2.8

111= Djibouti 2.8

111= Egypt 2.8

111= Indonesia 2.8

111= Kiribati 2.8

111=Mali 2.8 6

111= Sao Tome and Principe 2.8

111= Solomon Islands 2.8

111= Togo 2.8

120= Armenia 2.7

120= Bolivia 2.7

120= Ethiopia 2.7

120= Kazakhstan 2.7

120= Mongolia 2.7

120 Viet Nam 2.7

126= Eritrea 2.6

126= Guyana 2.6

126= Syria 2.6

126= Tanzania 2.6

130= Honduras 2.5

130= Lebanon 2.5

130= Libya 2.5

130= Maldives 2.5

130= Mauritania 2.5

130= Mozambique 2.5

130= Nicaragua 2.5

130= Nigeria 2.5

130= Uganda 2.5

139= Bangladesh 2.4

139= Belarus 2.4

139= Pakistan 2.4

139= Philippines 2.4

143= Azerbaijan 2.3

143= Comoros 2.3

143= Nepal 2.3

146= Cameroon 2.2

146= Ecuador 2.2

146= Kenya 2.2

146=Russia 2.2

146= Sierra Leone 2.2

146= Timor-Leste 2.2

146= Ukraine 2.2

146 Zimbabwe 2.2

154= Côte d´Ivoire 2.1

154= Papua New Guinea 2.1

154= Paraguay 2.1

154= Yemen 2.1

158= Cambodia 2.0

158= Central African Republic 2.0

158= Laos 2.0

158= Tajikistan 2.0

162= Angola 1.9

162= Congo-Brazzaville 1.9

162= Congo Democratic Republic 1.9

162= Guinea-Bissau 1.9

162= Kyrgyzstan 1.9

162= Venezuela 1.9

168= Burundi 1.8

168= Equatorial Guinea 1.8

168=Guinea 1.8

176 168= Haiti 1.8

168= Iran 1.8

168= Turkmenistan 1.8

174 Uzbekistan 1.7

175 Chad 1.6

176= Iraq 1.5

176= Sudan 1.5

178 Burma 1.4

179 Afghanistan 1.3

180 Somalia 1.1


Monday, November 16, 2009


First and foremost, I'M A MALAYSIAN.
But sometimes, I've to state categorically that I'm a Malaysian
Chinese particularly whenever foreign visitors coming to my
shop somewhere in downtown asking me directly:'Are you
Muslim? Or Are you a malay?
So I gotta say I call myself 'Malaysian Chinese' as I'm FIRST a
Malaysian then CHINESE but the writer from Sin Chew Daily
(see post below ) categorized Chinese in Malaysia as 'Chinese
'So what's the difference?' , asked my buddy, John
"Ah, you caught me there, John" I replied, trying to figure out
' Malaysian Chinese or Chinese Malaysian?
I dunno about you readers but to me, when ask about my
nationality, normally I say something along these lines
I'm a Malaysian, oh I'm Chinese. Malaysian Chinese.
Incidentally, more often than not, I've to declare that I'm a Chinese
simply becoz I do look like a malay!
To say that you're a Chinese Malaysian, sounds a bit of racism
to me but then again I'm not too sure , Chinese Malaysian or
Malaysian Chinese?

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Yes, this writer speaks for the Chinese, do we need MCA?
From Malaysian Mirror.

Tan Tian Yan- do I owe you anything, Encik Awang?
Sunday, 15 November 2009 04:13

In an article entitled 'The Malays are betrayed' published on Utusan Malaysia recently, Awang Selamat said Chinese Malaysians were immigrants, and were indebted to the Malays. This is a response.

By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily

LETTER I do not know who Awang Selamat is, but he keeps haunting me, claiming that I've owed him something! Other than banks, I don't think I have owed anyone anything.

All the things I've had, from the birth certificate when I was born, to the car I bought at the age of 22, and my house at 30... have all been acquired in a clean way, including my self respect.

Moreover, because I do not know Awang Selamat at all, as I said earlier, how could I possibly owe him anything?

But in an article entitled 'The Malays are betrayed' published on Utusan Malaysia recently, Awang Selamat said Chinese Malaysians were immigrants, and were indebted to the Malays.

I am a Chinese Malaysian, one in the six million. He said the Chinese owed this and owed that, and as a Chinese, I can't help but ask: "What have I owed you?"

Some more, I am not an immigrant. My birth cert and IC, along with all the documents of my assets point to the fact that I am a rightful Malaysian citizen.

The Constitution protects my status, my rights as well as my properties. If I've done anything against the laws, I will be bound by the Malaysian laws, like anyone else.

Of course, I can say proudly that I have paid my income tax and owes not a cent.

Moreover, I have never betrayed my Malay friends. We treat one another sincerely and fairly. When my old friend Ghaffar buys me teh tarik, I'll get him nasi lemak in return, even though nasi lemak is twenty cents more expensive than teh tarik.

But that's not because I feel I'm indebted to him; neither do I think he's trying to take advantage of me!

Right, Awang said Chinese Malaysians were getting more and more demanding, and racist, after the general elections last March.

What demands, or should I say what excessive demands, have the Chinese voiced up? Scholarships? Land titles? Chinese primary schools? Democracy? Equality?

All I know is that these are reasonable requests from each and every citizen. As long as they are eligible, they should possess them.

It has nothing to do with race.

If we are denied of these things because of skin colour, then we must fight for them. This is not racism either.

Although I have no idea who Awang is, I know he is hiding under the protective net of Utusan Malaysia.

He may be an individual, or a group of individuals. And he may have his own hidden agendas for his displeasure with Chinese Malaysians.

A lawyer friend told me, it was an act of sedition just to brand ethnic Chinese Malaysians as immigrants, and that the police should probe the incident.

Or perhaps there should be someone making a police report, in particular those who claim they represent the six million Chinese Malaysians.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Get help from third party,

says Muhyiddin

MCA should seek the assistance of a third party
if its leadership
finds it too difficult to solve the
party crisis, said
the Deputy Prime Minister.

I go a step further, MCA either you get help or close
Malaysian Chinese certainly don't need a messy
MCA to represent them !

Okay, okay, I'm going back to my hiatus camp.


In Malaysia, motorcyclists formed the highest statistics in road
accidents and the government have been reminding cyclists to be
more careful and wear crash helmets when on the roads. Yes?
The government also spending millions on road safety campaigns
year in and year out, yet you see who's NOT listening...

If you're riding motorbike with a VVIP as a leader, then don't bother
about putting on your helmet, more so if the VVIP is the Deputy
Prime of Malaysia, furthermore you're riding in a kampong, mah!!


ps, oops I'm supposed to be in my hiatus camp la.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm gonna spend less time on my computer from now on
basically for 2 reasons.
1. My doctors have advised me to have more hours in my sleep
bcoz of high blood pressure and tinnitus, so I will try to hit the sack
before 11.30 each nite as I've to get off my bum at 5 in the morning
2. My full time staff, Nurul is quitting her job at the end of the
month.Nurul has been in my company for the 5 years or so, and
practically she runs the whole show! Besides her, I have 2 part time
staff running my business.Since Nurul is resigning soon I gotta
learn and getting briefing from her as much as possible simply
becoz she knows more than I do about my business!! Serious,
I ain't kidding, she's more knowledgeable about company
products than I do. As such I'm spending more time on my
business and also looking out for another new staff as dedicated
as Nurul.
Hmmm. where to find staff like that? She doesn't talk much or
argue with anybody but getting her work done is always her
priority without much supervision from the boss.
Hopefully, soon I 'kao tim' my health and staff problem then I
start blogging happily again.
On HIATUS, my friends.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


My friend Steven a Chinese from Sarawak argues that GOOD LUCK is
THE most important aspect in our lives. Besides health, wealth
a good family, GOOD LUCK according to him holds the key to
everything. Even if you're in the pink of good health, wealthy or
have a good family, but if luck is going to desert soon you then
find things might not go the way you want. You may still get dreadful
disease like cancer and you spend all your money in trying to cure
your illness. So your wealth will soon diminish and if are that
so unlucky, you might be a pauper or looking for charity!
But if GOOD LUCK is on your side throughout your lifetime,
then everything will be fine as GOOD LUCK would overrides
whatever problems that you're facing.
GOOD LUCK will help you to strike a lottery and making you an
instant millionaire or having a profitable business running from
1 generation to another.
GOOD LUCK will keep you away from any dreadful diseases in
your life and if it's time for you to go GOOD LUCK will make sure
you die sleeping painlessly! GOOD LUCK, if you so lucky,
that it's to on your side then it will make sure that your good family
will stay together happily and helpinng one another in good times
or bad times.
Now folks what is your take on GOOD LUCK, huh?

Thursday, November 5, 2009


PAKATAN RAKYAT 's rising sun

against BARISAN NASIONAL 's dacing

fighting out in the next general election....MORE
That will be GREAT if we do have 2 party system in the country
but for a truly 2 party system, Malaysians MUST DISCARD
UMNO, MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, PKR, DAP PAS, and all existing
political parties, just choose between PAKATAN RAKYAT (PR) or
Can we see this happening? Can we joined PR or BN without
aligned to any other racial political party?


In my earlier post, I asked IS HE A TERRORIST?
I was wondering why some 35 JAIS enforcement officials
25 policemen were needed to detain him ?
Is he dangerous that they needed 60 people to detain him-
1 man-an unarmed religious speaker at that?
Today in the STAR , these questions were REPEATED by the man
himself, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin:
Of course I never expected it to happen in the way it did.
They treated me like a criminal. Why bring 35 Jais officials
and 20 policemen just to arrest a harmless man like me?
I am not a terrorist.
If people in JAIS could care to respond, and I don't bother much about
religious affairs but logic and common sense matters.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I guess for the next 2-3 weeks I gotta slow down on my blogging
coz I got problems, yea, this tinnitus thing which has become such
a big nuisance to me since entering my eardrum as an uninvited
guest a couple of weeks ago.The sad part of discovering this
horrendous hissing was not from the doctors but thru friends
and Internet, the medical specialist at the Selayang Hospital whom
I supposed to consult with, was a big down and disappointment
to say the least. The specialist just looked at my referral letter from
the general hospital, then promptly gave me an appointment
early next month without seeing me!!
I guess learning by myself, that I got tinnitus and there's no cure
kinda make you feel seeing the bloody specialist would not make
no difference at all to my tinnitus problem!! Right?
Anyway, 1 problem leads me to another, Mark an Australian friend
thought and suggested that perhaps it was my HIGH BLOOD
PRESSURE that causing tinnitus to my ear!! Ah, oh yes, why I
didn't think about my high blood pressure (b/p ) and according
to Mark, he practically got rid of his tinnitus a few years ago
by taking care of his b/p, bringing it down to a reasonable level.
So maybe that will be my 1 chance to get rid of my tinnitus
problem and so without wasting anytime,I went to see the doctor
at GH the very next day and true enough, my high blood pressure
was sky high!
The doctor there had taken my blood sample for analysis and
hopefully by next week, my b/p be back to normal, but then
again whether the evil tinnitus would disappear is left to be seen.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The direction that MCA

is heading at this point in time points to 1
destination only

Sir, are you looking for MCA?

Monday, November 2, 2009


Yes, Gerakan will continue to be relevant, you know why or not?
Becos they have this Strategy 11388 !! According to their
President their KPI guy, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon.
I for one, really don't understand what's 1Malaysia, 1Tandas,
and all damn things with 1 in front of whatever names and
now Gerakan has become up with their strategy 11388!
Maybe, it's relevant to try my luck this coming Saturday
on Toto 5D draw, yes?

5D 1st

3 1 6 6
5 5 4 1 4
1 6 6
2 0 5 9 3
6 6

Also from THE STAR ,Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib
Tun Razak has restored the fighting spirit of Gerakan members
with a rallying call to continue with the political struggle despite
setbacks in the last general election.
Really? Confidence restored? Are the members motivated?
Got fighting spirit , ah? Sure or not?
Then how come only 406 delegates or 38.5% youth delegates
turned up for their national conference this was the worst
turnout in the 22 years since the wing was formed.
If Gerakan Youth members are not interested in their own affairs
who care about them?
Gerakan still relevant in Malaysia politics, say only, to me they
are practically DOOMED.


A Son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who, despite having a heart condition, says "Yes". They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons. The father always saying "Yes" to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, "Dad, let's join the Ironman together."

To which, his father said "Yes".
For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever.

Father and son went on to complete the race together!
I did try not to cry but failed, I choked.


Former Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abias was
while giving a religious talk at a house in
Taman Sri Ukay,
Hulu Klang, early today.
I was wondering why some 35 JAIS enforcement officials and
25 policemen were needed to detain him ? MALAYSIAN INSIDER.
Is he dangerous that they needed 60 people to detain him-
1 man-an unarmed religious speaker at that?