
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Still beyond me over the 1Malaysia email service, well it
was reported that one has to buy USB biometric device or go
to National Registration Department (NRD) office to get
their account activated.

1.Why do we need the 1Malaysia email service? We already have
the yahoo and hotmail accounts, haven't we? Unless you have just
landed or an alien from outer space.

2.What we have are all free, so why should we buy a device for
something that don't really need it in the first place? Also they will
charging 50 sen per email send to a 1Malaysia email service!

3. Or why must we have to go to a NRD office just to get your
email activated, when we can click it in the comfort of our homes?

Somehow or rather, I do find this 1Malaysia email service thing
kinda silly so I for one, can't be bother. Do you?

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