
Friday, December 18, 2009


Not long ago, if you still remember about Dr. Ng Yen Yen the
Minister of Tourism Malaysia saying Malaysians should claimed
'Hainanese Chicken Rice and branding it as our Malaysian food
causing 'outbursts' from our causeway friends.Singaporeans being
the 'kiasu' lot argued their great, great grandfathers created the
'Hainanese' Chicken Rice in Singapore long before you were born.
Maybe, the Minister has got not much things to do these days
has come out with another good and better idea promoting our
favoutite food, with this ads. in today Malay Mail paper.

Okay now you read the bold statement, If you appreciate your
Nasi Lemak, Laksa and Meat Bone Tea, share it with us.

Meat bone tea, err, what the heck is that? Until I looked at the 3
pictures showing Nasi Lemak, Laksa and Bak Kut Teh! Then
only I realised and understood what's Meat Bone Tea
DAMMIT! Why can't they say Bak Kut Teh, huh? Issit becoz
it contains pork and 'haram' to print? Oooh, aiyah, Meat Bone Tea
easier for foreigners to understand ma, really ah?
But how come I as a Malaysian who eat Bak Kut Teh regularly
don't really comprehend meat bone tea?
And 1 more thing, try saying aloud in and quick succession 'BAK
KUT TEH' okay, no problem, right? Now, try saying Meat Bone
, Meat Bone Tea Meat Bone Tea, very susah to
say isn't it?
To those who take Bak Kut Teh will know that the delicacy always
comes with 'Yiow Char Kwai', so now you tell me what is the direct
translation (from Cantonese to English) of 'Yiow Char Kwai?
Oil Fried Devil??
Can ah?

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